Nursing School

So, screw Portland. I got accepted into a nursing program in Kentucky last week. It's a 12-month Bachelor's program. No muss, no fuss. Just come in May 2008, and start. A year later, I'll have a bachelor's degree in nursing, and be ready to take the test to get my Registered nursing license.
What a relief! Kentucky is far away, yes. And I don't know anything about it. And my boyfriend doesn't like the idea of Kentucky either. But, after seeing what goes on with the 800 people who apply to nursing schools here, I am more than happy to move myself for 12 short months. Everyone else can stay here and try for 3 years in a row to get into school. They can have their nerve-wracking admission interviews, they can be placed on extensive alternate lists-- just in case someone drops out-- and live their lives with their fingers crossed that they just might be the lucky #24 out of 800. Then they can have their 2 year programs, and their 4 year programs and their dumb old gloomy weather and traffic jams! Ha!
I say whatever. Have it. I am going to go Kentucky and get this done.