How do moms do it?
Baby has been a bit sick lately, making home the place to be for the last week. The weather has been on the chilly side; again, making inside the place to be. G and I have fared pretty well, reading stories, listening to music and building towers. But all this homebody-ness drives me crazy when I look at all the undone things around the house! How do these blogger/fix-it/DIY moms do it? The second I get into a project I either get distracted or feel guilty for not paying attention to baby. How can I find balance? Friends have suggested tackling small projects, focusing on them one at a time. Well, this may sound like a plan-- but the projects would still have to be small, indoor projects that don't involve getting things dirty or using chemicals or a sander, etc., and can get done in 20 minutes or less. That is very limiting! Meanwhile I still have an unfinished nasty basement, an unfenced yard out back that lacks grass and a falling down retaining wall out front. We just